Processes, Environment, Pesticides and Health (PEPS)
This team, composed of 10 permanent staff and supported by temporary staff, develops methodologies and acquires data to evaluate and optimise the agro-environmental performance of agroequipment for the application of plant protection products. Its skills are in the fields of agricultural equipment engineering (including automation, computer science, electronics and mechanics) and expology.

The PEPS team develops tools and methods for characterising the phenomena and processes involved in crop protection. It focuses on optimising these processes and reducing their impact on the environment and health. This team is characterised by technological and experimental research, and an expertise recognised at national and international level.  The applied research it conducts contributes to the improvement of cultivation processes and equipment by considering, in particular, the efficiency and precision of application, human exposure and air and sediment drift issues. It makes a significant contribution to public policy and expertise. There is significant research activity in partnership with companies and industry. The team is the main point of articulation of the UMT Ecotech (IFV CTIFL INRAE Institut Agro Montpellier) with the UMR ITAP on agri-equipment for crop protection and their evaluation. Finally, the PEPS team hosts the UMR's prototyping workshop.


Contact details of team leader :


Modification date: 17 July 2023 | Publication date: 14 April 2021 | By: AD