Chairs, Structures and Experimental Facilities

Chairs, Structures and Experimental Facilities

Chairs, Living-Lab, Converge Institute, R&D Facilities...etc.

In this folder

Support the digital transition of agriculture by creating close links between academic, research and business communities around digital agriculture.
The ELSA-Pact Chair aims to establish scientifically sound methods and tools for assessing the environmental and social impacts of human activities, and in particular natural resource management activities (agriculture/food, water and waste management).
ChemHouse is a research group, bringing together experts in chemometrics, users and PhD students from partner institutes and companies: INRAE (ITAP, LBE, SPO, AGAP, Eco&Sol,...etc.), CIRAD (SELMET, AGAP, QUALISUD,...etc.), HelioSPIR, SupAgro Fondation, Institut Agro, VetAgroSup, Lasalle Beauvais, Pellenc ST, SANOFI.
The "Mas Numérique" is part of the AgroTIC eco-system as a demonstration site for innovative digital technologies for viticulture and a unique training tool for students and professionals in the sector.
The Mobilab AgroTIC, to make New Technologies accessible to Agriculture and Farmers !
Agroecological transition, biodiversity, climate change, value creation for farmers, open innovation, change of practices, redesign of cropping systems... Faced with these challenges, Occitanum proposes to mobilise digital technologies to accelerate the agroecological transition, allow farmers to regain an income and offer populations access to local and sustainable food.
#DigitAg, the Convergences Institute for Digital Agriculture is one of the 10 French Convergences Institutes financed within the framework of the Investissements d'Avenir. The only Convergences Institute dedicated to agriculture, it is also the only Convergences Institute in the Occitanie region and the first of the MUSE Montpellier University of Excellence I-Site. Supported by INRAE, born in 2020 from the merger of Irstea and INRA, it was created in 2017 by 16 founding members.

Modification date: 17 July 2023 | Publication date: 20 January 2022 | By: AD