
28 September 2023

By: AD

Welcome to Letícia Rosim Porto !

The COMIC team is pleased to welcome Letícia in the framework of her PhD in the Postgraduate Program in Cartographic Science at São Paulo State University (Unesp) for a period of one year.

17 July 2023

By: AD

Associate-Professor in "Digital and territorial intelligence for decision support in agriculture".

Léo PICHON, new Associate-Professor of the DEMO team...

04 April 2022

Domaine du Lazaret (Sète, France)

Internal workshop

The internal workshop of the ITAP unit and dedicated to the "Agricultures of Tomorrow" will take place over two days, on April 4th and 5th, at the Domaine du Lazaret (Sète) located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea !