Joint Technology Unit ECOTECH

The UMT ECOTECH was approved in 2012 and renewed in 2018 for 5 years. This UMT associates the "Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin" (IFV), the "Centre Technique Interprofessionnel des Fruits et Légumes" (CTIFL), INRAE through the UMR ITAP and the "Institut Agro Montpellier" through the "Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Vigne et du Vin" (IHEV)

For the period 2018-2022, the UMT ECOTECH's work programme is articulated through the following 3 thematic axes :

Axis 1: Modelling & experimentation for the control of spray quality, deposits and doses. This axis includes methodological and instrumental developments on precision spraying, as well as the analysis of changes in the expression of doses: from the cadastral hectare to the leafy hedge surface.
Axis 2: Qualification of the performance of application techniques. The evaluation concerns the quality of spraying (quantity and homogeneity of deposits in the foliage) and aerial drift (notion of safety distance from local residents).
Axis 3: Digital platforms in production conditions for precision plant protection. Commercial or prototype instrumental services and methods are evaluated.
The UMT aims to strike a balance between a "short research circuit", i.e. the development of results that can be rapidly appropriated by the sector and the players, and finalised research that envisages technological and agronomic transformations over the long term.
This structuring project between research, development and teaching actors will allow for a rapid valorization of research work.

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Modification date: 18 January 2022 | Publication date: 04 May 2021 | By: AD